Becket Planning Board
Approved Meeting Minutes
Wednesday , March 24th, 2010
Planning Board Members Present: Gale LaBelle, Martin Schlanger, Barbara Stuhlman, Ann Krawet, Bob Podolski.
Planning Board Members Absent: Stanley Oransky
Members of the public present: Robert Gorden , Donald Munger, David Graves, Pat Parkins, Douglas Reveley, Nick Speranzo, Sue and Jack Deacon, Sandy Jarvis, Joy Lennarty, Jan Elovirta, Glen Lucchase, Hilda Runz, Mary Graves, David Graves, Attila Sala, Susan Peruse.
Meeting called to order: 7:08 pm
Approval of Meeting Minutes – January 13th, 2010- Martin Schlanger makes a motion to approve meeting minutes; Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
7:10 pm- Continuation of Mariner Tower II LLC, request for a Special Permit; Proposed Location of cell tower is 0 Wade Inn Road, Assessor Map 413 Lot 114.
Chairperson, Gale LaBelle re-opens public hearing, advising all present that there are agendas on the table for anyone who would like one. She goes on to advise that this meeting is being held in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40A and the bylaws of the Town of Becket. A decision to issue a special permit requires a minimum of four positive votes from a five member board. Gale explains that the board has 90 days to make a decision after the close of the public hearing and 14 days to file paperwork with the Town Clerk once a decision has been made. Any appeals of decisions can be made only to the court and must be made pursuant to Section 17, MGL 40A as amended, and must be filed within 20 days after the date of filing of the decision with the Town Clerk. Gale goes on to introduce the board members
Ms. LaBelle requests that the secretary please read the original application out loud; application is read.
Ms. LaBelle explains that the planning board as well as the members of the public have not been given ample time to read and review all of the new information that has been submitted. Ms. LaBelle advises that it is for this reason that she believes it is a good idea to continue the hearing.
At this time, Mr. Chris Ciofi, representing Mariner Tower, explains that this is not new information that has been given to the planning board, rather answers to some of the questions that they had at the last meeting. Mr. Ciofi also advises that the balloon float was a success and that the findings were also outlined in the material submitted. Mr. Ciofi also adds that there is a letter from the Massachusetts Historical Commission and the Local Historical Commission stating that there is no historical impact. Mr. Ciofi also explains that there is a report included stating that there are no negative impacts on tribal or endangered species.
Mr. Ciofi assures everyone present that Mariner Tower is held to certain standards, and that Mariner Tower is in compliance with all applicable laws . Mr. Ciofi adds that Mr. Mark Hutchins, the hired consultant agrees that Mariner is in Compliance.
Ms. LaBelle states that she would like a letter requesting of the “No-take” and also to be notified of what the endangered species may be that are in the Protected Area/ Priority Habitat. Mr. Ciofi states that they are authorized to move forward with the project as proposed.
Mr. Graves advises that he has not yet gotten answers to the 30 questions that he submitted to Mariner Tower, and that he is anxiously waiting his answers. Mr. Ciofi states that he does not expect to respond.
Mr. Donald Munger refers to the information booklet provided and states that the proposed tower location is not in a “sparce” locations as stated. Mr. Robert Gorden agrees.
Mr. Graves states that every bee hive that he owns is now dead; he again asks when he can expect to have his 30 questions answered. Board member, Barbara Stuhlman suggests to Mr. Graves that he should be asking the FCC his questions, not Mr. Ciofi.
Mr. Ciofi explains that they have to submit each project to tribal leaders to make sure that there are no tribal concerns; Mr. Ciofi offers to provide a copy of that letter.
7:31 pm - Ms. LaBelle solicits for a motion to continue the public hearing until Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00. Mr. Martin Schlanger makes a motion to continue public hearing portion of the meeting until April 13th; Ann Krawet seconds motion; Unanimous Approval.
Public Participation- None
Old Business- Secretary reminds board members to please complete the State Ethics class on-line if they have not already done so.
New Business- Informational Packets for upcoming Public Hearing; Peter Wallach, Becket Highlands LLC; passed out to board members present.
Budget- Read and Reviewed
Correspondence-Read and Reviewed
Mr. Schlanger makes a motion to adjourn meeting, Bob Podolski seconds motion; Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.
Schedule Next Meeting for April 13th, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Hunt
Administrative Assistant
Signed_____________________________ Date________________
Gale LaBelle
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Martin Schlanger
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Robert Podolski
Signed______________________________ Date_______________
Ann Krawet
Signed______________________________ Date________________
Barbara Stuhlman